
How to

How to use Feelspot app?

You can use FeelSpot privately and you are not obligated to share anything. Remember personal places, moments, even set reminders. You just have to set every spot as private. That doesn’t impair you to discover new places created by other users and bookmark them. You can choose to see your own and bookmarked spots on the map.

How to create feelspots that everybody benefits from?

Your posts are great opportunity to express yourself. And as long you don’t violate our terms of service you are welcome to post whatever you think our users and your followers would enjoy. Your online reputation and authority is not something you build overnight. So here are some insights that might help you improve your presence on FeelSpot:

  • Use appropriate, good quality images in your posts
  • Choose the location of the spot
  • Choose adequate emoticons
  • Leave a caption for the context
  • Choose and add your own tags that are relevant

These are the pillars of a quality post on FeelSpot. If you follow them and use them as guidance, we’ll see this as valuable content and treat it accordingly.

How to create @me spots and why?

One of the goals on FeelSpot is to post images of places along with emotion and location. There is an exception, though. You can create posts that are not location determined. It‘s a different category post and we call it @me spot. You can use this type of posts if you want to share some kind of milestone, for example, or whenever the exact location is not of importance. These posts will not be shown on the map, of course, but it will appear in the feed if you choose so. The creation process is the same as in regular posts, but instead of location, you select the @me tab.

How to post your nicest photos?

Choosing the right photo when creating spot is important if you want to build an aesthetically pleasing profile. Image filters are not part of our app’s features, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t use photo enhancing apps prior you post on FeelSpot. You can also upload photos from your DSLR or try and digitalize old photographs.

How to be followed?

Like in most of the social networks, you’ll be able to grow your influence by gaining more followers. For starters, you can invite your friends from other social media and connect with them via FeelSpot platform. You can choose to build your audience from scratch. Post at times throughout the day that you can assume your audience has free time and is checking their accounts. Keep in mind that the more value you bring to other users, the more people will follow you. Create a strategy to nurture your audience and it will pay off long term.

How to embed feelspots in your blog?

Using FeelSpot can be a great way to increase traffic on your website or blog. Depending on your niche or interests, Feelspot can be quite a tool for you. By choosing suitable content from the desktop version of FeelSpot and including it into your blog, you can create additional value for your visitors and give them an opportunity to reach and follow you on a new channel.

What you want to avoid…?

Beside violating terms of service, there are few things that you should avoid. Your best bet is to follow tips from the second point on this page.

  • Find the right amount of posts that you’ll be publishing. You don’t want to be recognized as a spammer, but if you don’t publish at all, people will find your profile not interesting to follow.
  • Creating more than one post of the same place can also be considered spammy, depending on the circumstances.
  • Spots with images and captions without any context will not attract many people. That way you’ll just risk that users unfollow you or hide your posts.

How to for businesses

Coming soon – We invite businesses to blend seamlessly into FeelSpot community through creative lead nurturing strategy that benefits all users. The content you post on Feelspot doesn’t have to be marketing driven, it can be informative and fun! After all, these kinds of photos often get the best engagement. In short, brands using Feelspot should use it to spotlight their products by telling a story, entertain and provide value. You can promote your business for free. Bear in mind not to put many spots as it will be associated with spamming.

  •  Some businesses are easier to promote on FeelSpot. A tourist organization or guide can place much more spots because they are widespread on the map while a restaurant is limited by one location.
  • Your goal is that users bookmarks or follows you on FeelSpot. Place high-quality spots related to your business and share them through your existing channels like social media, newsletters, etc.

Tip: If you manage a restaurant’s account, you can post only a few spots on your location. But posting dozens of spots of beautiful places in the Tuscan, Italy, can promote your Italian restaurant in Hamburg, Germany. Your goal is to be followed and better bookmarked.

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