Featured spots

Rediscover the real world
For regular users
FeelSpot helps you bind the places you visited with emotions they evoked. Rediscover the real world. Remember the spots that made you feel happy, excited or even sad or bored. Share your experience with people who have similar interests. Discover amazing places around you by following the ones who put their emotions on a map. Everything is driven by discovery.
For proficient users
FeelSpot is a social platform where you can reach new audience and inspire people in a different way. Provide FeelSpot community with quality content and use the influence that you built on other social media or offline. Use all the perks that come with being a recognized authority in your niche. Whether you are a blogger or tourist organization, an artist or journalist – welcome to your new channel of communication!
For professional
We invite businesses to fit in FeelSpot community through creative lead nurturing strategy that benefits all users. Create spots in line with your services and grow your audience by offering extra value. No one notices annoying ads anymore, just useful content. Join us and you‘ll see that we strive to bring back to businesses more than they invested.
(coming soon)